Color may perhaps be the essence of everything around us. Everything has and will always have color. It is a part of everyday life, and it cannot be ignored. Irregardless of whether or not you get out of bed you view colors. In class today it was our task to go out and photograph different objects with color.
I have a picture of a piece of artwork on display at a middle school in the area. The piece is very vibrant and colorful. The bright hues give way to an intricate design that is quite inviting. Though it looks juvenile the piece is actually well thought out with the patterns and cuts of glass. Overall the piece is a real feast on the eyes. Thus the piece is visually appealing and works well especially being that is was displayed infront of an art oriented middle school.
Another picture that I have is one of different stickers that graf writers have stuck to the back of a sign. At first sight one might think that the color value means nothing, but looking again the illustrations and handstyles actually all work well together. The lack of color and the semblance of color as well.
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