Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Color or the Lack Of?

In the world of color one must become bored, so that is where the black and white photographers come in.
Color photographs can be amazing, but the beauty behind a black and white photograph is something else. The stark portrayal of subject matter through B&W film is something different. It is the loss of color that makes the image. You form a one-ness with the viewer, everything becomes the same.
It is these points exactly that personify a black and white image. Why viewers across the world fall in love with black and white images. Perhaps it is the triple combination of blacks, greys, and whites. The Adsence of color. A black in white image is just that the absence of that same color that is almost a mystery to the viewer. In some whys black and white images are unpredictable, where as the colors on a color image are easily transferable. You do not always know what you will end up with when it comes to black and white images but it is a surprise nonetheless.
B&W photography is a refreshing break from the world of color, it is a reminder that there is a world outside of color imagery. Nevertheless we should make an attempt to not forget the full value of B&W photography and apperciate it for its nuances.

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